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the peace copmany
Mission and Goals

Our mission is to use the medium of ethical business to support peacebuilding initiatives that strengthen and heal communities; to promote educational initiatives that cultivate a culture of peace; and to develop programs that educate and empower women, girls and youth.

Our goal is to increase public awareness and support solutions related to economic, environmental, humanitarian and social justice issues, and to promote actions and strategies that have positive impact. We aim to create sustainable value through innovative partnerships, and to generate sufficient revenues to fund operations and invest in the well-being of others.


The Peace Company dreams of a world where peace is the underlying value around which our society organizes itself. In this world, realizing we are interconnected and interdependent, we solve our conflicts nonviolently, approach our differences with respect and appreciation, and work in partnership for the well being of all life on the planet. To this end, we are dedicated to transforming the current culture of apathy and violence to a true culture of peace.

Guiding Principles and Values

Guiding Principles: The Four Pillars - People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace

Generally in for-profit companies the ultimate goal and metric of success, or bottom line, is profit. The concept of the “triple bottom line”--people, planet, and profit--is a guideline that many have chosen in order to address the reality that profit must be taken in context with people and the planet to measure real success. We have added a fourth P: peace. For us, Peace encompasses Purpose, Principles, Philanthropy and peaceful interactions as the true measure of systemic success. We think of these principles in terms of value:

The Four Pillars of the Peace Company

People - everyone creates value.
Planet - everyone receives value.
Prosperity - everyone returns value.
Peace - everyone has value.

In a culture of peace everyone has, returns, receives and creates value. These four pillars represent the guiding principles of our organization.


The Peace Company commits to the following core values:

Integrity: We conduct our business and our relationships with honesty and transparency and take personal responsibility for our intentions and actions.

Reciprocity: We give back to our community through every stage of our process and operation. In addition we invest our time, energy and profits in a quarterly and yearly Peace Dividend, and by making our goods and services available to many who may not be able to afford them

Empowerment: All our activities are aimed at supporting people to believe in their own creative power and inherent worth, and to know that they, as individuals, do matter and can make a difference, and that that through our collective actions, peace is possible.

Sustainability: We make every effort to live lightly on this one planet we all call home, through using environmentally-friendly materials, recyling our waste, and being mindful of our resource consumption.

Service: Our staff, customers, vendors, shareholders, and other stakeholders are valued members of our family; we treat them in ways that nourish and honor that connection.

Cooperation: We work collaboratively, building communities, partnerships, coalitions, and networks to increase our collective power for meaningful social change.

Authenticity: We are committed to exhibiting in every aspect of our business life the same principles and practices of peace we teach and advocate in the world.

Prosperity: We are a profitable business venture, to show that peace is good business and to spur the development of sustainable community and the growth of the peace industry.

Global Responsibility: We support Fair Trade products and policies, use our resources to champion the prevention and resolution of violent conflicts and the rebuilding of war-torn societies, and provide economic opportunities to victims of war.

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The Peace Company • 21 Main Street, Bristol, VT 05443 • 1-888-455-5355 (toll-free) • info@thepeacecompany.com
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